Welcome to Athletic Gamer! So I started yet another Versace tonight in World of Warcraft. What do I mean by another? I'm playing an Ironman character. Check out wowironman.com for the rules if you want to start one along with me.
Basically you level a character from 1 to 85 with the following restrictions:
- white and grey gear only
- no talents or specs
- no enchants or gems
- no professions
- no food buffs
- no potions or elixirs
- no groups
Let's look at our first physical challenge. I wanted to choose something that did not require any weights, since not everyone will have access or want to run out and buy weights if you don't own them already. So this gives us one of the most common and beneficial activities out there: Pushups!
I forgot to mention in the video: If you can't do a single pushup, don't sweat it, do them on your knees, or against a wall, and we'll work on getting you into a standard pushup over time. Once you can do a couple, you'll improve fast!
So the first challenge: Find out what your maximum is. That means do pushups until you cannot do anymore. WRITE THIS NUMBER DOWN! On your calendar, on an agenda, or even just in a notepad document. It's so important to keep stats.
Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be focusing on this, and watching Versace level up to 85 (yeah right...)
If you like the idea of this blog, or my youtube channel, do me a favor and subscribe, like, or favorite my video so this challenge gets to more people!
Until next time, goodbye!
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