Versace, my ironman challenge Rogue has made it to level 28 and is still leveling up in the Hillsbrad Foothills! In my latest video I give some tips for questing in the area, and give out my 4th Physical Challenge!
So to start everything off, I had the Cat Carrier (Black Tabby) drop for me AGAIN! It dropped on a previous Versace who died a couple weeks ago. If you end up getting this drop (world drop at 0.01% drop rate), unless you don't care about the gold, don't use it! It's a rare pet that easily goes for 3000 gold. I posted mine for 2995g for 48h, and when I logged in next, it was sold! This pet can probably go for even more, considering in the new expansion, there are the non-combat pet arena, so people are scrambling to grab the rarest pets they can. Not to mention that in the lull between patches, people are already geared to the teeth, and start spending their extra cash on pets and other cosmetics.
I may put out a post or two about how to get a ton of gold in World of Warcraft, I took this up as a hobby 6 months ago, and made 300k gold on my main in the period of about 2 months. If you guys are interested, I will share my gold making secrets!
You can tell by my video that I have the "singing sunflower" pet now, and that's from a chain of quests north of the Sludge Fields. Definitely hit this area up. There are no quests that lead you to this area, so you just have to know about it. There are 5 quests in this chain where you play a version of "Plants Vs. Zombies". There is no risk of dying, and they each give you a decent chunk of experience, followed by a non-combat pet which will sing for you on occasion. He doesn't give you any tasty seeds to roast though, the bastard!
Stay vigilant throughout the quest "A Fighting Chance" where you throw hearts at Hill Fawns. They turn into big black angry deer that explode after a certain amount of time. If you are in range of the explosion, it will deal a significant amount of damage, and this is how my last Versace died. Just let them do their own thing, and explode on their own time.
To make matters worse, a large elite Yeti named Yetimus the Yeti Lord patrols the area. There is a quest to kill him, but it easily takes 5 people to kill him, and chances are some people will still die, so don't even try him on your own, and it's against the rules to get a group to kill him.
Enough of that, onto Physical Challenge #4!
We're doing what I called the "Lower Elliot Potato-jam", a position named after Sir E. Potato-jam. The position is the standard pushup position with the following adjustments:
- Hands shoulder width apart, instead of wider than shoulder-width
- Hands / wrists parallel with your body.
- Hands in a fist, knuckles on the ground: the ground should be in contact with your first two knuckles only, with your last two almost touching the ground.
- Lower your body so you're at the bottom-most part of a pushup.
- Stay there!
- Do 10 minutes of this position throughout an entire day, depending on your ability. So do 1 minute, 10 times, or 20 seconds of it, 30 times. You have the entire day to do it, so keep track until you have 10 minutes total in that position.
Okay you got me, it's a plank (modified slightly), but there's so much stigma around "planking". Just don't go around town doing this in weird places, and no one will make fun of you.
We use our hands in fists, because this is easier on your wrists while in this static position. If you take any martial arts that uses punching, you'll be familiar with this position, as this is how you should be punching something, to minimize injuries to your wrist, and to have the maximum impact possible.
If you haven't done it yet, click follow on this blog, or create a youtube account (if you don't have one yet) and click subscribe on my channel. And please, leave comments!!!! I love feedback and I want to be a little more interactive with the community.
That's it for today! Keep it real! Keep fit! Keep gaming!
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